Cardiologists diagnose, treat, and help to prevent diseases such as stroke, heart failure, and heart attacks that affect the heart and the blood vessels. These structures are known as the cardiovascular system, and are responsible for pumping and circulating blood throughout the body.
Dr. Stanley Chia
Dr. Tay Lik Wui Edgar
Dr. Alfred Cheng
Dr. Ang Teck Kee
Coronary Angioplasty Coronary Artery Disease Heart Failure ManagementDr. Chan Po Fun
Dr. Charles Toh
Dr. Chee Tek Siong
Dr. Chiam Toon Lim Paul
Dr. Christopher Chew Y C
Dr. Eric Hong Cho Tek
Dr. Goh Ping Ping
Dr. Jayaram Lingamanaicke
Dr. Kelvin Chua
Dr. Kojodjojo Pipin
Dr. Lee Chee Wan
Dr. Lim Chin Hock
Dr. Lim Choon Pin
Dr. Lim Chun Yih Paul
Dr. Lim Ing Haan
Dr. Lim Tiong Keng
Dr. Lim Yean Teng
Dr. Low Lip Ping
Dr. Nair V. Parameswaran
Dr. Philip Koh Siam Soon
Dr. Quek Susan
Dr. Rohit Khurana
Dr. Sheldon Lee
Dr. Tan Chong Hiok
Dr. Tan Ko Beng Julian
Dr. Tan Kok Soon
Dr. Tan Svenszeat
Dr. Teo Wee Siong
Dr. William Kristanto
Dr. Yong Thon Hon
Dr. Ong Sea Hing
Dr. Kelvin Wong Cheok Keng
Dr. Liew Kay Choon Reginald
Dr. Macdonald Michael Ross
Dr. Richard Ng A L
Dr. Singh Devinde